Saturday, February 27, 2010

Random Thoughts...

Yes, I do's been a while since I've blogged. I feel bad about that...but now's a good a time as any to get back to it! So, for this Saturday...some random thoughts and updates from life here in my house! And away we go!

  • Liam is an ACTIVE baby boy! I feel him moving a lot throughout the day. He's definitely more active than Aidan was. There were times I wondered if Aidan was ok because I didn't feel him move much, but I've rarely wondered that with baby Liam!

  • My sisters in Christ are an awesome source of encouragement and upliftment (is that a word!? ha!) to me. We had a great Virtuous Woman Bible class this morning that mainly focused on being a good Christian mother, and it was a true blessing getting to be there with other Christian mothers at different stages in motherhood and getting to hear their thoughts and views on being a mother. My heart both ached and smiled at the things shared by these amazing women. It was a definite joy to me!!

  • For some reason, I've really wanted to and have been listening to '90s music today. Stuff that transports me way back to my jr high and early high school days (The Cranberries, The Wallflowers, Natalie Merchant, just to name a few). It's so awesome how just one song can take you back to a certain time, certain place, or bring to mind a certain friend. Nice to remember those days every now and then!

  • I've really been procrastinating lately about getting our office moved out and Aidan's new room set up. I know I've GOT to get it done before May, but I'm suffering from lack of energy and/or motivation. Now if I was faced with the task of going to shop, that would be a different story! But packing up boxes and getting furniture moved in and out...whew! Makes me tired thinking about it! But it WILL get done! Hopefully one day this week! ;)

  • Aidan has been making me laugh like crazy lately! He loves music and will make his musical toys play songs so he can dance around and be silly. I love his silly side! I'm pretty sure he gets that from me!

  • I bought these organic vanilla cookies for Aidan, thinking that he'd really like them. But truth be told, he's not too fond of them, but I am! Love those little things! So I think it looks kinda funny, me eating cookies with letters on them, but hey, they're good! :)

  • Aidan's new thing is screaming and screeching loudly, especially when he's happy or playing. Last night, he had been asleep for a couple of hours when suddenly I hear several screeches coming from his room, followed by silence. I guess it must have been a fun dream and he just needed to get them out!

  • I do not mind at all doing laundry...but let me clarify. I don't mind the part of putting dirty clothes into the washing machine, and then transferring the clean, wet clothes to the dryer. It's the parts after it that I dread. You know, the folding, the carrying of the laundry basket upstairs, and then putting the clothes away in each place! Blah! I just wish I could be like Mary Poppins and with a snap of my fingers, the clothes glide magically across the room and into open and waiting closets and drawers. Oh, how much grander life would be!

  • I love that my son would rather eat the spicer salsa with his tortilla chips when we go out to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant than the milder salsa. Ahh, that's my boy!

  • I truly appreciate how hard my sweet husband works to provide for us. Sometimes he has to work the weekend, which I know is hard on him and us too since we miss spending the whole weekend with each other, but I truly appreciate his hard work for us. He's our hero! :)
And that's about all the random musings pouring forth at this time. I'm sure I could think of more, but I'm done for now! :)

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