Yet another major snowstorm of the '09-'10 winter has hit us here in VA. This time, we got about a foot of snow, which was kind enough to fall from the wee hours of Saturday morning until Saturday evening, giving us our FIRST and much-needed snow day of the school year! As a teacher, I live for snow days (and other days off, including spring and summer break!) and am always hoping for a few during the winter months. During December when we had our first big snowstorm, we didn't get a single snow day because the snow came on the afternoon of our last day before Christmas break. But alas....a snow day tomorrow! Glorious snow day!! We haven't taken Aidan out in the snow yet, but hope to tomorrow when we actually get ready to leave and go out. The past few experiences he's had in the snow have not been too pleasant for him, so maybe tomorrow's snow experience will go over just a bit better. Here's hoping!
I'm excited just to be able to go outside and get out of the house for the first time tomorrow since Friday evening. Surprisingly enough, I haven't had a severe case of cabin fever, as I ususally do, but I've actually enjoyed being at home with Chris and Aidan (and of course, Liam has been letting me know a lot here lately that he's here too!). So for tomorrow, I'll probably make a trip to Sam's for some diapers and milk, and maybe stop by Kroger to pick up a few items to add to our already stocked pantry.
Here are some pictures from the past two days of being "snowed in"! I wanted them to be under the text, but for some reason, they're not, and I haven't been able to figure out why yet. Hopefully I will soon!